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The UK Economic Outlook and prospects for the Solent Region

Event Type:

Partner Events


Start: 22 March 2023 5PM

End: 22 March 2023 8PM


In light of recent geopolitical events and market turmoil, the outlook for the UK economy seems more uncertain than ever. To get a better idea of where the economy is heading, join the School of Accounting, Economics and Finance at the University of Portsmouth for a public lecture to be delivered by Professor Stephen Millard, Deputy Director (Macroeconomic Modelling and Forecasting) at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR).

Run by the University of Portsmouth with support from their strategic partners, the Hampshire Chamber of Commerce and the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Professor Millard will present NIESR’s latest view on the economic outlook for the United Kingdom. He will share an expert analysis of the impact of the Spring Budget and the series of significant fiscal and monetary policy events that preceded it.

As part of his presentation, Professor Millard will provide a current view on the economic prospects for the South-East region.

Click here to find out more and to register for this event.


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