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Sell My Livestock


£50,000 Bridging the Gap Recipient - December 2014

Sell My Livestock is an online auction site specifically for livestock which enables farmers to buy and sell cattle, sheep and other stock. The company reduces costs in the region's hard pressed agriculture sector and its supply chain and puts the region at the centre of a national and potentially pan-European business that will create jobs, skills and opportunities locally by bringing digital business to a sector that still trades in the same way it has been doing for thousands of years.

The company requested funding to support the website and marketing of a new sales platform for livestock farmers in Southern England.

Jamie McInnes, Managing Director of Sell My Livestock, said:

Solent LEP has given us a fantastic and much needed boost just when we needed it. Bridging the Gap does exactly what it says on the tin, it's given us stability and confidence to grow our exciting and innovative online trading business.

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