BAE Systems


Did you know?

                  • BAE Systems was the lead member of the Aircraft Carrier Alliance, a team of companies which delivered the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers. They're the Royal Navy's largest ever warships: It's flight deck could fit three football pitches; There are five gyms, a cinema, games room, as well as space to play basketball and tug of war.

                  • It takes just 60 seconds for fighter jets to be lifted from the hangar to the flight deck. The ship's two propellers weigh 33 tonnes and they produce enough power to run 1,000 family cars or 50 high speed trains.

                  • The ship's entire crew of 700 can be served a meal within 90 minutes. That's cut to 45 minutes when at 'action stations'!


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More information:

At BAE Systems we use advanced technology to keep people safe. From submarines to cyber security, combat aircraft to aircraft carriers, we work on some of the world's most exciting projects.

We've supported customers including the Royal Navy for generations, at sites across the UK and the world. Our graduates and apprentices pay a key part in this, and this year we're hiring a record number. Across engineering and business disciplines, at BAE Systems you can make an impact where it counts.

Get in touch with BAE Systems

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Kristen Bell - Principal Project Engineer, Submarines
(former apprentice and BAE Systems Apprentice of the Year)

Solent Partners

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