Royal Navy


Did you know?

                    • The deck of the Aircraft Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth is 280 m long and 70 m wide; enough space for three football pitches.

                    • HMS Defenders Ship’s company, on a 222 day deployment, ate their way through 18 tonnes of meat, 26 tonnes or potatoes and 30,000 eggs.


More information:

A job in the Royal Navy and the Royal Fleet Auxiliary means adventure, camaraderie – and lifelong prospects.

Every day you make a difference. And no two days are the same.

For the Royal Navy, this means policing the world’s oceans, delivering humanitarian aid when a natural or man­made disaster strikes or being deployed in combat.

For the Royal Fleet Auxiliary team of specialists that means getting fuel for our ships and supplies for our personnel. The vital logistical and operational support they provide 24/7 makes any number of humanitarian aid and conflict operations possible.

To find out more attend our presentation, search or call 03456 07 55 55


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Case Studies






Speaker 1

Sally Armstrong- Chief Petty Officer



Speaker 2

Stephen Waudby - Chief Petty Officer



Speaker 3

Steven Pells - Third Officer



Solent Partners

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