South Shields Marine School


Did you know?

                    • Winners of Queen's Anniversary Prize for
                      Higher and Further Education 2019.

                    • The UK's oldest merchant maritime training centre, stretching back to 1861.



South Shields Marine School

More information:

We are proud to be a world­ renowned centre of excellence for marine education and training.

Established in 1861, we offer programmes across the whole spectrum of marine education and nautical sciences, including navigation, operations, marine and electrical engineering.

South Shields Marine School developed a preparatory programme in 2013, which provides students with the skills required to gain employment in the maritime sector.

SSMS were the first college to develop this innovative pre­-cadetship programme, which educates learners in a range of STEM topics related to marine engineering and nautical science.

The marine school has a multi­million pound simulation suite and continues to invest in the latest technology.
World­ class facilities and training at our Marine Offshore Safety Training Centre.


Check out our Guided Tour


Get in touch with South Shields Marine School

Company Website


Case Studies





Speaker 1

Jon Milner -
Head of School - Deck Officer Certification


Speaker 2

Chris Gray -
Head of School ­-  Marine Degrees and Engineering Certification


Speaker 3

Tony Bull -
Head of School ­- Pre­Cadets, HNC and HND in Marine Engineering


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