Warsash Maritime School


Did you know?

                • Warsash pioneered the use of bridge and engine room simulators for higher level training.

                • The manned model ship handling training facility at the academy is the only one in the United Kingdom, and one of very few in the world.



More information:

Warsash Maritime School has provided first class maritime education, training and consultancy to the maritime and offshore industries for over 70 years.

Warsash Maritime School is the only maritime training centre of its kind in the world.

We offer over 150 accredited deck, engineering, interior, maritime and offshore safety training courses, approved by the MCA, MNTB, OPITO, SIGTTO, SQA, and other awarding bodies.

Get in touch with Warsash Maritime School

Company Website





Speaker 1

Giuseppe Saieva - Head of Cadet Education

Speaker 2

Lars Lippuner - Director Warsash Maritime School

Solent Partners

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