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Funding advice for Island businesses

20 January 2015

The Isle of Wight Council hosted a business support event organised by the Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) on Friday (16 January).

The event, which was chaired by Councillor Ian Stephens, Solent LEP director and leader of the Isle of Wight Council, focused on the various funding programmes that are available to Island businesses through the Solent LEP.

The event was supported by the Isle of Wight Council, Solent Growth Hub, UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), Manufacturing Advice Service (MAS), Wessex Enterprise, Portsmouth University, Southampton Solent University, Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce and In To Biz, who all showcased the support they had on offer for Island companies.

Councillor Ian Stephens explained the work undertaken by the council to support businesses and how it works in partnership with SLEP and other organisations to maximise opportunities for Island companies.

Councillor Ian Stephens, said:

"One of the council’s top priorities is to support the growth of our local economy. In today’s economic climate I feel that this can be achieved by promoting opportunities that ensure Island companies are in the best position to access the maximum level of support available. Events such as this are a fine example of collaboration with the Solent LEP and our partners.  I am sure that all companies and individuals who were in attendance gathered some good ideas on how their business can expand in the future and information on the help and support which the council and its partners can provide. The number of attendees is an indication of the confidence and ambition of local business and entrepreneurs to invest in opportunity on our Island."

Steve Futter from Solent LEP, said:

"We have always been pleased with the support Island companies have given to events like this. Moreover the quality of the bids coming in from Island companies is always top class which has led to their successful bids for funding. The LEP remain committed to making the Solent a highly successful economic region based on our strengths of marine, aerospace and defence, advanced manufacturing, engineering, transport and logistics businesses, low carbon and the visitor economy. The Isle of Wight is an integral part of that with much to offer, so we are delighted to their response to our programmes."

Around 50 local companies attended the event, which took place at UKSA in Cowes. To find out more information about the support the council can offer to Island businesses, please contact matthew.hill@iow.gov.uk.

The next briefing event will be held in Southampton on Tuesday 24th February. The Solent LEP strongly recommends booking a slot for a one-to-one meeting at an event for anyone interested in applying for funding.

To book a place email an expression of interest form to rgf@solentlep.org.uk. Expression of interest forms are available here

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