Skills Advisory Panel

As an organisation, the Solent LEP prides itself on demonstrating innovation, passion and commitment for the region by working in a collaborative and inclusive manner with its complex and varied stakeholder networks.

To find out about current opportunities to become a member of the Skills Advisory Panel, please click here.

The Solent Skills Advisory Panel will:

  • bring together local employers and skills providers to pool knowledge on skills and labour market needs, and to work together to understand and address key local challenges. This includes both immediate needs and challenges and what is required to help local areas adapt to future labour market changes and to grasp future opportunities;
  • support colleges, universities and other providers deliver the skills required by employers, now and in the future;
  • ensure strong local governance, meaningful analytical capability and access to the right data;
  • support analysis of their local skills and labour markets to understand the local position; 
  • discuss and agree advice to the LEP Board on local skills needs priorities in the short-term and more longer term & consider how these will be met through local provision over time;
  • provide advice to the LEP Board on skills, training and employability matters;
  • provide analysis to support strong Local Industrial Strategies; 
  • address skills gaps more effectively by understanding likely future skills needs.  
  • Act as ambassadors for the Solent LEP.

The Terms of Reference for the Skills Advisory Panel can be found here

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