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We are seeking new director candidates

08 September 2019

The Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is seeking a prominent business leader to join its Board of Directors.

The Solent LEP board takes responsibility for shaping economic strategy in the region, including the development of the Strategic Economic Plan and Local Industrial Strategy for the area.

Alongside strategy development, the LEP is a major capital investor in the Solent economy and is delivering a growth programme valued at over £1.8bn supported by a £247m LEP investment, working with HM Government to create new jobs and enable new homes to be built in the Solent.

The LEP Board is made up of business, education and local authority Directors and was the first LEP in the country to have a fully-elected board.

Gary Jeffries, Chairman of the Solent LEP said:

With a new Government, developing international trading relationships and disrupting technologies emerging at pace, it is an extremely exciting time to join the Solent LEP Board and help our economy chart the course of current change for the better. Our Business Directors play a key role in leading the development of economic strategy for the Solent, convening local partners to boost, productivity, earning power and competitiveness, championing our area at the highest levels of Government and allocating funds to transformational investment opportunities that will enable our economy to prosper.

As we look to further strengthen the business leadership on our Board, we are particularly keen to hear from senior female business leaders in the area, as well as those with expertise in major national infrastructure and key international gateways, as part of this opportunity to get involved.

The Solent LEP is also opening the application process for businesses to become members of the Solent LEP. Our Business Members are integral to the shaping the work of the LEP; including through electing our Business Directors to the LEP Board.

The closing date for this round of applications for a role as a Director or to become a Solent LEP Member is on Friday 20th September 2019. Further information, including details on how to apply, can be found at the following links:

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