Our economic prosperity is critically linked to our land assets, our connectivity and our ability to provide homes for the people of the Solent. Whilst we have made a strong start, there is more work to do and Local Growth Deal funding secured by the LEP will provide a step change in the level of transformational infrastructure investment being delivered. This has allowed us to develop an investment plan for over £151.9m of LEP funding which you can read more about here.
Providing suitable employment sites for our growing marine, maritime and advanced manufacturing sectors, enabling links to our key economic assets and international gateways (at the Port of Southampton, Portsmouth and Southampton Airport) as well as meeting growing housing demand are key economic challenges.
Transport Investment Plan
Critically, new developments must also be accompanied by investment in transport and other infrastructure, and our coastal location means that development land must be safeguarded against the risk of flooding. In relation to transport the LEP has published it's Strategic Transport Investment Plan.
Solent Enterprise Zone
The Solent Enterprise Zone has been a focus for LEP infrastructure investment. The EZ will deliver a world class advanced manufacturing (marine, aviation and aerospace) industrial hub which will support the development of the advanced manufacturing cluster through a range of business support solutions and aid in delivering 3000 jobs by 2026. Further information on the Solent Enterprise Zone is available here.
Solent Growing Places Fund
The Solent Growing Places Fund, a £16,739,000 fund to support infrastructure projects that unlock new jobs and homes in the Solent, is supporting large scale infrastructure projects such as road networks, service and utility installation and broadband provision. Operating on a revolving basis, the Fund aims to support as many projects as possible.
City Deal
The Southampton - Portsmouth City Deal will open up significant employment sites for Southampton and Portsmouth’s growing marine, maritime and advanced manufacturing sectors. The City Deal will see the unlocking of two strategic sites in the Solent - Tipner-Horsea Island in Portsmouth and Watermark West Quay in Southampton.
Land, Property and Infrastructure Delivery Panel
The Solent Land, Property and Infrastructure Delivery Panel leads the delivery of enabling infrastructure priorities (including land assets, transport and housing, reducing flood risk and improving access to superfast broadband) for Solent LEP, working with other partners to collaborate on joint strategy and policy development.
Further information on the Solent Land, Property and Infrastructure Delivery Panel is available here.
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